

This blog is just a special thank you to my amazing website creator, Robyn! It’s kind of a fun little story… Robyn was on a nutrition plan for a few months, but wasn’t seeing the results she had hoped for. I asked her if I could create her a new plan, free of charge, (because she had already spent big bucks for her current plan), yet I knew I could have an impact. She accepted my offer, switched to my plan, and within just a few days, she was dropping those stubborn pounds. She casually wondered if I had a website for my nutrition business? Being just “a tad” older than her and a self proclaimed “non-techy”, of course I didn’t! Super Lucky for me, Robyn is a master website designer, and she offered to create me a custom website, in exchange for help with her nutrition and training! Win-Win! Although, I definitely feel I got the better end of the deal! So, all of the credit for this beautiful creation goes to the lovely and talented Robyn, to whom I am forever grateful, and forever asking how to properly use and update it! Friends, especially smart, creative and talented ones, are one of lifes greatest blessings!


Diet vs. Lifestyle